Review #29: Black Death (2010)

This review was originally written in October 2016.

Day 29: Black Death

Alright, I really didn't care for this movie. The first half was just... uninteresting, for lack of a better term, and while the second half definitely caught my attention and I was invested in what was happening, it ends really suddenly but adds in like a ten-minute epilogue of sorts. I might have cared about that epilogue if I had really cared about the main character, but I didn't. The whole ending just had a really odd structure and just didn't feel like it fit the rest of the movie.

I don't know if I should have liked this movie or I'm justified in not liking it. On one hand, it had a few actors I like- it has that guy that was in Les Miserables, it has that guy that tortured Captain Picard, it has that guy who's always dying in every movie (spoilers: he dies in this movie), and it has a guy who looks like Colin Farrell but totally isn't Colin Farrell. But although it's in a medieval setting and is slightly fantastical, the majority of the setting just bored me and made it hard for me to care what was happening. There was a neat twist near the end, but it's immediately proceeded by a couple of mind-boggling character errors that come out of nowhere and never get resolved. So I dunno. I don't think this movie was very good.

Rating: 5/10 Adorable Plague Rats

Most Awkward Scene in the Movie: The main character is enticed to join the pagan necromancer village with the promise of his seemingly-resurrected love interest while the mob is out for blood. So he goes off to meet her, he's in the hut for like five whole minutes, and comes back out where the entire village, still in mob mode, has literally just been standing there doing nothing the entire time. They continue to stand there as he slowly walks all the way across the square, nobody saying or doing anything. An entire village just staring at this guy, when five minutes ago they were ready to crucify his entire group. What were they expecting him to do? Go in and have sex with his girlfriend or something? Would the entire village have stood around and waited for him to finish that too?


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