
Showing posts from September, 2024

Review #283: Midnight Peepshow (2022)

Gabe's Supplemental Horror Review #6 - Midnight Peepshow (2022) This is it- the last review before October! This has been a wild year and I'm glad I've gotten you all to come along to read my reviews up until this point. Tune in tomorrow for more info. I really didn't know what to expect from Midnight Peepshow; I found it on a list of recent horror films and decided to watch it with my wife. It's an anthology-style film where Graham, a distraught man in Soho, drunkenly stumbles into a mysterious Peepshow venue, and sees a collection of stories revolving around an extreme fetish website/app called "The Black Rabbit"- and to Graham's horror, these stories end up hitting a bit too close to home... The first story is about a husband and wife whose flat is invaded by a gun-wielding rapist, but it turns out there's a lot more going on than any of them realize. The second story has a woman and three previous partners wake up in a Saw-like deathtrap, and t

Review #282: Trap (2024)

Gabe's Supplemental Horror Review #5 - Trap (2024) This is a difficult movie to begin talking about, because of the nature of twists in movies. And since this is an M. Night Shyamalan movie, most people are going to go into this expecting a twist, and to mention the twist (or even the existence or absence of a twist) could obviously be considered a spoiler, so I'm sure you can see why I'm a bit apprehensive even trying to figure out where to begin. I will be bringing up the (absence or existence of a) twist later in the review, so fair warning especially because this movie is relatively new.  Without any spoilers, I'll try to do my best: this is a good film. It looks great, the acting is great, the tension is great. The cinematography was chilling and unique, with a specific head-on perspective used whenever the main character is putting on his "dad face" that never failed to catch me off guard. The pacing is phenomenal, the characters were likable and believa

Review #281: Day Shift (2022)

Gabe's Supplemental Horror Review #4 - Day Shift (2022) So, I watched this movie as a double-feature with yesterday's film (Night Shift). The two movies couldn't be more different, but hey, sometimes a similar title is all it takes! (I will recommend to anybody the double-feature of Cube and Circle, as well as Sphere and Triangle, though those pairings make a lot more sense than Night Shift and Day Shift.) Day Shift is essentially a buddy-cop action/comedy that follows Jamie Foxx as Bud, a vampire hunter in California whose home life has hit a rocky patch and he needs to earn some quick money in a short amount of time or else he's going to lose his daughter. So he joins the local vampire hunters union (with whom he previously burned several metaphorical bridges) and gets stuck with a chaperone in the form of Dave Franco as Seth, a desk jockey who gets pushed into the action. The two of them run afoul of an unholy alliance of vampires and hilarity ensues. Also, Snoop Dog

Review #280: Night Shift (2023)

Gabe's Supplemental Horror Review #3 - Night Shift (2023) I found this movie while browsing various "Best Horror Films of 2023" lists looking for something to watch with my wife, and this one caught my eye instantly because of the setting and premise: Gwen, a girl in need of a fresh start, takes a last-minute job at a rundown roadside motel. As she makes her way through her first night, she finds out the hotel may be haunted- but are they ghosts of her past, or just ghosts? I'm a sucker for a good ghost story, doubly so if it's specifically a haunted building. And as a person who's spent a not-insignificant amount of time working at a hotel, I know how spooky things can get on a night shift when business is slow! So this one definitely grabbed me right from the start. I'll try not to give any direct spoilers, but I'll say that the premise unfortunately didn't carry the entire movie. The first half of it was fantastic- all of the scary scenes were a

Review #279: I Saw the TV Glow (2024)

Gabe’s Supplemental Horror Review #2 - I Saw the TV Glow (2024) Let me pose a question (and then I'll explain what I mean later in the review): Can a movie get a pass purely due to the message or metaphor of what it's portraying, or are the actual events in the portrayal itself, important? I Saw the TV Glow is a film that came out this year, about a teenager-and-later-adult named Owen, who becomes obsessed with a TV show after meeting a schoolmate, Maddy, who is similarly obsessed. The TV show is about two friends with a psychic link who fight evil, and Maddy & Owen bond over the show and learn a bit more about themselves and about friendship as the show goes on. However, Maddy goes missing, the show gets cancelled, and Owen grows up- but when Maddy shows back up nearly a decade later, it seems that the line between fandom and fiction is blurrier than they thought. Before I connect back to my question from earlier, I'll just say that this is a slow burn, not a lot happe

Review #278: Grand Piano (2013)

Gabe’s Supplemental Horror Review #1 - Grand Piano (2013) Well, I’ve run out of past-years' reviews to post and I’ve got a few days left before October starts, so here’s a review for a movie I watched recently! I should probably fess up right here at the start by saying that I don’t think this movie is really meant to be horror (IMDB has it listed as Drama/Music/Mystery; I didn’t even know “Music” was a movie genre but there it is), but I definitely felt similar vibes throughout the film to many horror films I’ve seen in the past. Also, this is my blog, go start your own if this bothers you. (And I don’t mean that as a taunt or challenge: please start your own blog, and send me the link! I would love to read your reviews!) Grand Piano follows Elijah Wood as Tom Failznick Selznick, a prodigious pianist who has left the public eye after going viral several years prior for screwing up the final segment of La Cinquette, a nearly-impossible music piece that his mentor, now deceased, ad

Review #277: Night of the Demons (1988)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #31 - Night of the Demons (1988) Final movie for October 2023! I hope you all had a wonderful month! Night of the Demons is a movie about a group of teens that all hate each other, that go to a Halloween party at an abandoned funeral parlor. After playing a Bloody Mary-esque group game, one of the teens is possessed by a demon. She then shoves a stick of lipstick into her boob and kills most of the other teens, who become possessed by demons as well I guess, and the remaining two manage to escape. The film finishes out with an endcap to a scene at the start of the movie about an old man who gets a taste of his own medicine after trying to sabotage some apples for Trick-or-Treaters. The End. I don't know how obvious it was through my lack of effort in that recap, but I didn't much care for this movie. None of the characters were likable (it's quite an accomplishment that the clingy, st

Review #276: Phantasm (1979)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #30 - Phantasm (1979) Phantasm is a film about a boy (Mike) and his older brother (Jody) investigating a creepy mortician at the local funeral home who is suspected of stealing bodies before they're buried. Their investigation leads to the discovery of numerous supernatural horrors, including shrunken slaves made from the reanimated corpses of the dead, flying metal spheres that drill into people's heads, and the fact that the mortician is apparently an alien that can regenerate limbs and is stealing corpses for cheap labor back on his home planet. Also, it turns out it was all a dream. (Or was it?) While I feel like I probably saw this movie once when I was a child, I remembered almost nothing about it. That might be because the first thirty minutes is incredibly boring (Mike spends most of it tailing people and breaking into various places all because he saw the mortician lift something

Review #275: Darkness Falls (2003)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #29 - Darkness Falls (2003) Darkness Falls revolves around the eponymous town of the same name, where a folk tale about the "tooth fairy" (a local woman who would reward children for losing their baby teeth) turned sinister when some children went missing and the woman was suspected of taking them. A posse caught and killed her (right before the children returned unharmed), leaving her angry spirit to take vengeance. The protagonist is Kyle, whose mother was killed by the evil tooth fairy ghost when he was a kid, and now that he's grown up he has to help his childhood friend Caitlin and her family escape from this evil force. The first thing that jumps out at me as being odd in this movie is that a large part of the plot is Kyle trying to stop Caitlin's brother Michael from being haunted/killed by the evil ghost tooth fairy. It's bizarre to me because the actor playing Micha

Review #274: Audition (1999)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #28 - Audition (1999) Audition is a film about Shigeharu Aoyama, a widower who decides to find himself a new wife at the urging of his son. But being a hard-working executive-type, he doesn't have the time to go back out into the dating game- so he gets his friend, a film producer, to hold an audition for a fake movie, with the express purpose of instead finding Shigeharu the perfect woman to marry. He instantly falls for Asami, a mysterious and seemingly meek girl, and he becomes obsessed with making her his wife. But the more he tries to find out about her, the more things start to not add up, and the more danger Shigeharu gets himself into... This is a hard movie to watch, it has to be said. I saw this for the first time about a year ago- it was one of those movies I had on my watch list for years but never got around to- and it was hard to watch the first time, doubly so this time around.

Review #273: Tourist Trap (1979)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #27 - Tourist Trap (1979) Tourist Trap is a film about a group of friends driving down an old mountain road, when car trouble gets them stranded outside of a closed roadside wax museum. The owner, Slauson, offers to help them fix their car, and ultimately the friends get split up and start getting killed- possibly by sentient mannequins, possibly by Slauson's deranged brother (with or without the aid of sentient mannequins). This is a WILD movie. I first saw it about fifteen years ago, with a group of friends (one of whom described this film as "the worst use of telekinesis ever") and I do think it works best as a group activity. There's some genuinely creepy and unexpected moments, but a lot of the runtime is kind of dull, and the bizarre nature of the villain's methods do nearly all of the heavy lifting to keep this movie interesting- the characters aren't very memorab

Review #272: Spookies (1986)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #26 - Spookies (1986) So, I have a strong suspicion about this movie that could probably be verified by checking the IMDB trivia, but I'm purposely waiting until after I've written the bulk of my review before I do so. Spookies is a film about a group of... teens? (And someone's dad?) driving to... a party? (I think?) who end up stopping at a big spooky mansion along the way. Once there, they discover a haunted Ouija board, and one of them gets possessed. Meanwhile, the house is also inhabited by some kind of ghoul or vampire or something that is trying to resurrect his dead wife, and to that end he summons a bunch of monsters to terrorize the... (teens?) because somehow that will resurrect his wife. The... (teens?) split up and some are killed by monsters but most aren't, the dead wife gets resurrected but then tries to escape and fights off a bunch of zombies but then gets caugh

Review #271: Society (1989)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #25 - Society (1989) THIS IS A MOVIE WHERE SOMEONE PUNCHES A GUY IN THE DICK SO HARD HIS FIST COMES OUT THE GUY'S FACE, WHICH HE THEN GRABS AND USES TO TURN THE GUY INSIDE OUT. Ahem. Pardon me, I just had to make that clear. Society is an extremely 80s movie that follows Bill, the poorly-adjusted son of a high-class family who has been having paranoid delusions. Some of his delusions involve dreams of defending himself from his parents with a knife, thoughts that his parents aren't really his parents, paranoid ideation of an alien class of people killing those that try to expose the truth, and more. When he catches wind of some bizarre, incestuous happenings between his parents, his sister, and other people in their social circle, Bill becomes a target of these people trying to stop the truth from getting out. Or is Bill just imagining it? (He totes isn't imagining it, there's som

Review #270: The Wailing (2016)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #24 - The Wailing (2016) The Wailing is a Korean film about Jong-goo, a detective investigating a rash of bizarre and brutal murders across the countryside in his small village. While at first the murders all seem linked by a strange skin disease suffered by the attackers, Jong-goo hears tales of a local Japanese immigrant being somehow connected. When following this lead, Jong-goo's daughter seemingly becomes infected by the disease, but a renowned shaman claims she's possessed by a demon, and attempts a ritual to drive the demon out. At the same time the Japanese man is performing a ritual that seemingly brings a dead man back to life as a zombie, Jong-goo rounds up a posse to go kill the Japanese man but they fight the zombie instead, then they accidentally kill the Japanese man by hitting him with their car, but then it seems like the Japanese man wasn't actually involved and inst

Review #269: As Above, So Below (2014)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #23 - As Above, So Below (2014) As Above, So Below is a found-footage style film that follows Scarlett, an archaeologist, as she ventures into the catacombs beneath Paris with a group of urban explorers to try and find the hidden tomb of Nicolas Flamel and the Philosopher's Stone. However, their journey is a dangerous one, with twists and turns that bring up horrors of the past as they mirror the journey taken by Dante Alighieri. Will they be able to overcome their personal demons, or will they be forever lost in the endless passages beneath the city? To be brief, I think this is a fantastic movie and any negative things I have to say about it are going to be pedantic and will be layered with criticisms of the found-footage style as a whole. So if you don't want to hear any of that, I'll just say right here that I really think this is one of the better found-footage movies out there,

Review #268: Thir13en Ghosts (2001)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #22 - Thir13en Ghosts (2001) Thirthirteenen Ghosts is a film about Arthur, a down-on-his luck widower, who finds out that his weird uncle Cyrus has died and left his state-of-the-art mansion to him and his children (and his live-in nanny I guess). But when they move in, it turns out that the house isn't just a house- it's an infernal machine with twelve ghosts trapped inside with a mechanism that's going to open a portal to hell or something, and the only way to stop it is for Arthur to sacrifice himself (and become the thirteenth ghost). But there may be more at play than just a dead uncle's plot... First things first, while I think there's a lot that's really cool about this movie, I do need to say right at the top that it's a bad movie. The writing has its moments but is ultimately a bunch of nonsense, the acting is over-the-top from every single person on screen, t

Review #267: Dog Soldiers (2002)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #21 - Dog Soldiers (2002) Dog Soldiers is the story of a group of British soldiers on a training mission, when they are attacked and pursued by a group of werewolves. With the help of a passing local, they take shelter inside a seemingly-abandoned home and attempt a last stand against the vicious predators- but will they make it until daybreak? Or is the true enemy already inside the house? I had never even heard of this movie before today, and simply put, I was blown away. This movie is incredibly well-produced, fantastically written, and although it looks slightly low-budget compared to some other films I've seen, it definitely knows its limits and the director only showed what they knew would look good on-screen. It's incredibly well-paced, and the atmosphere subtly shifts between hopelessness and camaraderie throughout its runtime as the script really utilizes the fact that the protag

Review #266: Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #20 - Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) This movie is quite remarkable in that I guarantee the creation process was as streamlined as possible: Someone came up with the name "Killer Klowns from Outer Space", and then the writing, directing, costumes, special effects, and filming all followed logically from that starting point with no deviation at all. Killer Klowns from Outer Space follows a small town beset upon by the eponymous Klowns, who show up, cause mayhem, and then leave. Our protagonists are two college kids who witness their arrival, find out the Klowns are up to no good, and try to alert the police. Cue about 45 minutes of people being Killed by clown-themed hijinx, then the protagonists go to the Klowns' ship, cue 20 more minutes of clown-themed hijinx, then everything blows up and the movie ends. There's really not much more to it than that. This movie has to ge

Review #265: House of 1000 Corpses (2003)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #19 - House of 1000 Corpses (2003) House of 1000 Corpses follows a group of four friends driving across the country to write a book about offbeat roadside attractions. They find one for the record books in the form of Captain Spaulding's Museum of Monsters & Mayhem, where Captain Spaulding himself gives them a tour of historical serial killers and maniacs. Intrigued by the story of Dr. Satan, a local serial killer who was never caught, the teens drive into the dark rainy countryside to find it. Along the way, they're lured into the home of a crazy redneck murder family, most of them eventually are killed, and then as the only survivor escapes we're left with a literal "The End?" title card. First things first: this movie looks great on-screen, but it's really hard for me to care about yet another crazy redneck murder family, let alone one who puts as much time and ef

Review #264: Ghost Ship (2002)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #18 - Ghost Ship (2002) Ghost Ship is a movie I've seen many times, and always enjoyed. I think it's not on the same level as some of the other films I've watched this month, but it's a fun movie with some spooky setpieces and a great atmosphere (and one of the most memorable opening scenes in all of horror, I think most people would agree). The movie follows the crew of the Arctic Warrior, an oceanic salvage ship. After coming back from a job and ready to take some time off, the crew is approached by Jack, a weather service pilot who spotted a ship adrift in international waters. He took some photos, and it appears to be an abandoned ocean liner- if they can get it back in one piece it'll be worth a lot of money, so the crew agrees to take the job, but Jack insists that he come along. So they head out, and find the ship- the Antonia Graza- derelict and taking on water. Aboard

Review #263: Goosebumps (2015)

This review was originally written in October 2023. Gabe's Horror Movie October Review #17 - Goosebumps (2015) Ermahgerd! Gersberms! In case it wasn't obvious, Goosebumps is a film adaptation of the wildly popular series of children's books of the same name. The plot follows Zach, a teenager who just moved into a small town, when he begins to suspect the next-door neighbor of hurting (or possibly killing) his daughter. After sneaking into the neighbor's house, Zach learns that the neighbor is none other than famed horror writer R.L. Stine, creator of the Goosebumps series- but the series turns out to be more than simply fiction, and all of the monsters from the various books start coming into the real world. First things first, I'm not going to be super harsh on this film because it's clearly meant to be (more or less) a children's movie, so I'll give it a pass for being more action- and comedy-oriented than strictly horror. The only bad thing I have to